Curator Quality of Life Updates

Curator Quality of Life Updates

Challenge Strategy Guides

The Challenge Strategy Guides are a new addition to each technical challenge available on the Challenge Previews page of the Curator tab. The strategy guides include a list of the checks within a challenge and a high-level summary of what the check requires of a Player to reach or maintain the desired state.

Challenge Strategy Guide UI Screenshot

As depicted in the above picture, these guides are expressly for Curators and should not be provided to Players. While they are not a solution manual, we hope the Challenge Strategy Guides will provide educators with more information on how to prepare Players for challenges and make it easier to pair NICE Challenges with their lessons.

Redesigned Reservation & Submission Pages

The Reservation and Submission pages are two of the most important pages for Curators. They are also the pages for which we receive the most feedback. With the aid of all that feedback, we have redesigned these pages and added some of the most frequently requested updates to these pages.

Create Reservation UI Screenshot

The Reservation page redesign starts with a more information rich user interface that gives the Curator an overview of what we are going to ask and alerts Curators about specific areas where an invalid entry has been made. Additionally, a highly requested feature we have implemented is adding the ability for Curators to create reservations where Players have limited challenges available. This should reduce, if not stop, Players from accidentally deploying the wrong challenges.

The Submissions page has also received a user interface overhaul, focusing on a more vertical layout that will scale more seamlessly for a wider variety of screen resolutions and orientations. In addition to the interface redesign, we have added a variety of requested updates. The new Submission Feedback section allows Curators to leave comments and notes on Player's challenge submissions. Challenge submissions now include a Known Challenge Issues section that details all known issues that might have affected Player performance and details how it might affect the submission data. Finally, to help our more active users, we have added the ability to filter submissions by reservations and added a Reviewed column to our submissions table.

Other Minor Quality of Life Updates

We have released a handful of minor quality-of-life updates to various parts of the Webportal. These updates include:

  • Autosave for Documentation in Workspaces

  • Check Type Info Added to Checks in Workspaces

  • Notification Banner for Urgent Platform Notices on Webportal (Shows on all pages)

  • Added Tool Tips to Various UI Elements

-- Published April 2019

If you wish to use the NICE Challenges and don't yet have a Curator account on our Webportal (currently limited to faculty/staff at U.S. educational institutions), use the link below to access our website and fill out the sign-up form to get started. We are always looking for feedback on our work!

As always, thank you for your interest! All of us in the NICE Challenge Development Team look forward to working with you to make the best platform, environments, and challenges to enable the cybersecurity workforce of the future.

NICE Challenge Project Links...

NICE Challenge Project Website -
NICE Challenge Webportal -
NICE Challenge Helpdesk -